Happy Marriage Institute

Our Reviews​


1. What Can You Say About the Work I Did for or with You in General?

1) I really lack words to describe or say about the work because it is awesome. There are things I have never done or known that I knew through you.

2) I can say it’s 100% for me. At the beginning I was saying that will God really speak to me? And when I had the first dream I was reluctant thinking that it’s just my imagination and then I said let me just send it. When I had the second again, I still wanted to tell you I didn’t receive anything because I was looking at it to just be nothing concerning my case or prayer point but the interpretations gave me a confirmation.

3) I have a high level of satisfaction because at first I knew I might do it 2 or 3 times before I will see anything. I was just imagining how God will do it and what He has done has made me soooo Happy.

4) That this place is a wonderful place. It has helped me know things I have never known and it has changed my prayer points as well. And I don’t think I will ever forget all these in quite a hurry. 

5) In fact I don’t know what I can really say about my satisfaction because I’m short of words and have mixed feelings as well. I don’t know how to thank God, because it has confirmed everything. I remember there was a time we were praying in a group and someone told me that God has answered me already but I still want him to talk to me and it was still on this issue of my relationship because I was bordered about the denomination as well. So the results of this have confirmed everything. After listening to the voicemail, I was singing and my sister asked me that what has the person said over the phone that I’m happy like this. I could not respond but was only singing.

6) It’s perfect Daddy because when I receive it by myself I’m convinced and it will also confirm what others have been telling me. So I think it’s the best method and it helps me understand also that God doesn’t speak only to some particular set of people concerning us.

7) You are a good man and may God bless you and bless you and bless you Abundantly.

Thank you and more grace and more wins. Higher heights.

2. How Would You Rate the Level of Consultation Service Provided in Terms of Percentage and Why?

1. What Can You Say About the Work I Did for or with You in General?

Excellent, you dragged a reluctant me, overlooked my fears and stayed focused on your goal. That was important. I learnt I have to ignore the other person if they don’t wish to go on. I keep on ministering and delivering even to a reluctant and or fearful patient. The Bible says pull some out of the fire fearing their clothing.

I liked that you put the word of God central and in perspective and that you used prayer.

2. How Would You Rate the Level of Consultation Service Provided in Terms of Percentage and Why?


3. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Work and Why?

I am satisfied.

I saw clearly things I was seeing but refused to look at them.


…“Cleansing takes time, allows what is buried in the back of our heads to surface up.”

“Fear is from the devil and you can chase away demons associated trying to intimidate you by the authority of Jesus.”

“God will reveal himself to you.”

“You make your own choice with knowledge and heeding the voice of God.”

5. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Results and Why?

On a scale of 1 to 5: 5 being highest. I would give you 4.5.

Wasn’t comfortable repeating/reposting parts of my life, repost again and again, list you some points.

But I didn’t mind repeating prayer over them.

6. What Can You Say About the Method Applied in Doing the Work, the Way I Handled the Matter and the Process of Delivery?

Very good.

I liked the different approaches used except last day when you needed to be at home. Warn in advance.

Revise delivery with respect to time spent per person. E.g., I took your time, told unrelated stories. Limit and get a person to stay focused on the topic. Women are extremely poor in focus. I think sometimes you may need to do joint sessions alongside your Queen, women see differently.

Have a fixed amount per person or per different session. This is critical.

This allows me to know I will need to set aside a certain amount. You can also do this proposed pay after session one which should be to understand what needs to be done.

Allow someone to choose how much to spend from your fees. It’s a job. You won’t feel depressed if underpaid. For example, you could charge per day per different session. Pray over this. We go to hospitals and pay for services as already determined.

This is a business. Treat it as such. On business end send me your thoughts I will guide you.

Blessed day.

7. What Can You Personally Say About Me As a Person?

Forthright, blunt.

3. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Work and Why?

1. What Can You Say About the Work I Did for or with You in General?

The work you did for me was just incredible, amazing, lovely, great. It was a deep work and well designed to achieve the purpose.

2. How Would You Rate the Level of Consultation Service Provided in Terms of Percentage and Why?

I can rate it at 85%, there are still some little things to perfectly manage.

3. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Work and Why?

Satisfaction is 95%. I am fully and totally satisfied. Although I wish that the final prayers could have been face to face if possible. But I am still satisfied by the way it was diligently and delightfully conducted.

5. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Results and Why?

The results satisfied me at 98%. Because, I know that with time, I will keep seeing the results of this work in my life and impact other people with it for it to be 100%.

6. What Can You Say About the Method Applied in Doing the Work, the Way I Handled the Matter and the Process of Delivery?

For an online work, the method was really original and creative, very clear and well described. It was an easy method adaptable, adjustable and accommodated to everyone. Things were handled in a soft manner, with wisdom and delivered in a simple way.

7. What Can You Personally Say About Me As a Person?

Daddy Adenekan, you are a wonderful person, a blessing for people’s life, a gift from heaven, a man of God. You are patient, lovely, comprehensive and you have a big heart to help others. You search the well being of everyone you came across according to God’s ways. Your abilities and skills are really useful to everyone who desire solutions or answers. You are kind and marvellous. You are an inspiration, motivator, leader and a God warrior. I love you daddy. Stay blessed.

Please Respond to Each Question in Detail As Much As You Can😊.


4. What Can You Tell Other People That Need the Kind of Help Provided You About Me and Our Consulting Services?

1. What Can You Say About the Work I Did for or with You in General?

I am very very satisfied with the work you did with me these seven days. It was very edifying.

2. How Would You Rate the Level of Consultation Service Provided in Terms of Percentage and Why?

95%. Because the content was very rich. The coach was very time conscious. The coach was very flexible. The content was very complete.

3. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Work and Why?

I am very satisfied with the work because the content was very transformative.

4. What Can You Tell Other People That Need the Kind of Help Provided You About Me and Our Consulting Services?

I will tell them to give you a try and get their lives transformed forever. Such a great feeling.

5. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Results and Why?

I am very satisfied with the results. This is because before this session I still had serious issues with anger but now anger is something of the past. Now I am no longer defensive. I am understanding my husband now better.

6. What Can You Say About the Method Applied in Doing the Work, the Way I Handled the Matter and the Process of Delivery?

I loved the method because you followed my time instead of imposing a time.

You focused the session on me and the issue at hand thus making understanding very very easy for me.

7. What Can You Personally Say About Me As a Person?

You are outspoken, honest and a humble person.

Please Respond to Each Question in Detail As Much As You Can😊.



5. What Is the Level of Your Satisfaction With the Results and Why?

1. It was timely and wonderful as it has really helped me a lot.

2. 90%.

Just like I said, it was timely and it has helped me a lot.

3. I’m very satisfied because I know I will be united with my husband.

4. 100%

5. The method is good although I would have loved it if there were voice notes so I could listen when I’m free.

6. The way you handled the matter was friendly and I liked it.

You have been so patient and open to me and I appreciate it a lot.

7. You are a friendly and jovial person, passionate about seeing marriages succeed.