Happy Marriage Institute


If you like a girl and you wish she becomes your marriage partner. Just make your findings about her and if you truly feel she’s the one, walk up to her and let her know.

Off course you have to be strategic and do the right thing to woo her. You must make the right moves.

Some of those right moves are taught in our training 7 THINGS ABOUT RELATIONSHIP, APPROACH YOUR MARRIAGE PROSPECT, and FINDING THE RIGHT PERSON. Some of them will become book soon.

However, if the lady doesn’t feel the same way you do, she has the right to respectfully decline, just like you had the right to respectfully propose.

You will understand better what it means to propose in APPROACH YOUR MARRIAGE PROSPECT and especially how and when to propose in KING’S SCHOOL OF LOVERS.

But, some guys usually think that if a girl rejects their proposals her respect for them would reduce. No, that’s not true, except if you made a wrong move or you actually disrespected her.

Saying NO to your moves is not a rejection of you as a person but a rejection of your proposal for marriage.

A lady will actually respect you more if you make your moves the right way without stalling or just beating around the bush.

If you come out and say your mind respectfully, even if she rejects your proposal, she will respect your person more.

You might be the one thinking the respect reduces, and if you think so that is a signal that you have inferiority complex or you think low of yourself in certain aspects of your life. In that case, you need to work on yourself, get some training or read some books that can help you.

Not every lady will say YES to you. Some are already in a relationship and you don’t know while others don’t see you as the best person for them as a husband. You may be good but still not the best. But, you’re the best for someone else.

Every sensible lady knows what she’s looking for in a man and somehow knows if or when she meets the man.

If you’re not the one, you’re not the one. Saying NO to you upfront is better than keeping you till she meets the one who has what she wants, only to leave you for him and have your heart broken without warning.

So, if a lady says NO, it means she respects you enough to tell you the truth and not deceive you or waste your time. You should reciprocate that respect by accepting her decision and either distancing yourself or becoming a true friend.

It doesn’t in anyway make you less of a man, it just means that there is someone much better for you than she is and there is someone much better for her than you are.

Talk to us at +2347030371153

Visit www.kingspeopleconnection.com


Founder, The King’s People Connection & Happy Marriage Training Programme

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