Happy Marriage Institute


The greatest need of a man in marriage is partnership.

Forget about respect, sex, food and all those things people and preachers usually talk about.

They are all important but not the greatest need of a man in marriage or from a woman.

I’m yet to see any place in the Bible that tells us a man’s greatest need is respect or anything like that, and I’ve not seen anyone who has pointed it out yet.

Why was the woman created for the man? Was it to respect him? No! Not at all!

It was to assist him. To help him. See Genesis 2:18. Open your Bible and read it again. That’s what the Bible says.

Man already had all the respects he needed before the woman was created according the narratives of Genesis Chapter 2.

He named all the animals and everything in existence was in obedience to him.

If we need answers concerning a product we need to ask the manufacturer of that product. If we need answers concerning man and woman we need to ask their Creator.

If we need answers on anything about marriage, we need to ask the one who instituted marriage. When we ask, we look into His manual for humanity and marriage to find the right and best answers.

And, everything, every answer, begins with the reason or purpose behind the matter at hand.

So, again, what does the Bible tell us was the reason why God created woman for man?

To Help Him.

To help him do what?

To help him carry out the instructions God has given him.

What instructions?

See Genesis 1:28.

So, man needs respect, sex, good food and all that from a woman as his wife and in his marriage. But those are not his greatest need from his wife. No!

The greatest thing a serious-minded man who is on a mission to fulfilling his destiny or life purpose needs from his wife is partnership – assistance for the fulfilment of that purpose.

He needs someone who can work with him to fulfil his purpose in life and achieve his dreams on earth.

Someone who can assist him to become what he wants to be in life.

Now, if you ask me, what is the greatest need of a woman in marriage or from her husband?

The answer is just the same:


That is just it.

Again, See Genesis 1:28, God was talking to both the man and the woman, not just the man.

They were both given the instructions.

So the greatest need of a serious-minded woman in any marriage is partnership – assistance for fulfillment of her life purpose and life visions.

If you’re here and single, that should be your focus from today.

If you are here and you’re married, this should be your greatest focus from today.

Look for and prayerfully marry a guy or girl who can help you to become what you, want to be in life, which God has planned for you to be.

The greatest need of a woman is not affection, attention, money or whatever. Those are parts of her needs, but not the greatest.

She needs someone who can work with her to fulfil her purpose in life and achieve her dreams on earth.

Someone who can support her, assist her and comfort her to achieve her heart’s desires.

She needs a man she would support who would  also support her.

Someone who can assist her to become what she wants to be in life. And stand behind her when she goes wrong in life, correct her and bring her back to the right path.

Same thing a man needs. Just same thing.


Both are “Man”.

God created Man in his own image, male and female…(See Genesis 1:27).

Both are man, but with different functions in life and in their marriage.

So both need same thing: Partnership for Fulfillment. Someone who can give them that.

Guys, that’s exactly the kind of person you should prayerfully look for and marry.

Girls, open your eyes well and locate this kind of person, and marry.

And if you’re married but having problems in your marriage, the greatest thing that’s possibly missing in that marriage and is causing that problem is partnership for fulfillment, assistance for achievement.

You’re probably having problems with him or her because you’re not helping him or her (enough) to be able to fulfil his or her purpose, dreams and visions in life.

But you might not know. He or she too might not know. So you’ll keep curing headache when the problem is actually stomach ache.

That’s why many people fight, settle, only to start again. I mean unnecessary fighting.


They’ve not discovered, not to think of solved, the problem.

The basic thing is Partnership for the fulfilment of destiny, their life purposes.

Every other thing is secondary, except if we want to talk about them in another context, that’s when we can say those other things the are greatest, in that regard.

But in real terms, partnership for purpose fulfilment is the greatest need of anyone in marriage.

But the biggest problem people have is this, they don’t even know what their life purpose is, the real reason why they exist on earth.

That’s why you see people having unending problems in their marriages. They marry without knowing the purpose of marriage.

The number one purpose of marriage is partnership.

The man was created to fulfil a purpose on earth.

The woman was created to assist the man in fulfilling that purpose. But she has her own purpose too.

So the two of them have their own respective purposes.

They are meant to help each other fulfil their individual and collective purposes, destinies.


By working together to achieve those purposes.

So, the first thing before marriage is to Discover Your Life Purpose.

You then prayerfully look for someone who can partner, work with you, to achieve or fulfil that purpose.

If you married without having done that, then your number one job right now is to do it.

Discover your life purpose and work with your partner to help him or her discover his or hers too.

The greatest need of a man or woman in any marriage is partnership, assistance for destiny fulfilment and achievements of personal dreams and visions.

People marry many wives or husbands because they are yet to find the one that will or is helping them to fulfil their life purpose. Not because one does not respect them or meet their other needs.

As a result, they keep feeling an emptiness within.

When you’re not fulfilling purpose, you feel a vacuum in you…

I call it Purpose Vacuum.

Without it, money, women, men, respects, honour, riches, powers, sex and all would feel useless to you. They would only satisfy you for a moment.

But when you are fulfilling purpose, irrespective of what you have or lack in life, you’ll always feel fulfilled.

If you now marry someone who can or keeps giving you the assistance you need in fulfilling that purpose, you’ll feel so happy, always.

That’s what makes you have a happy and fulfilled marriage.


You have in your life partner the greatest thing you need in that marriage, Partnership.

If you read our book 7 QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED you will discover more on this, and you will get to know that this is why we call our spouses our Life Partners.

If you take one of our courses, 9 THINGS YOU MUST CONSIDER BEFORE AND WITHIN YOUR MARRIAGE, the first Lecture will give you full and deeper explanations on these things. There, you will also discover why certain women exhibit certain characters.

If you will like to discover your life purpose, we have two special courses on that:

One is THE KING’S SCHOOL OF PURPOSE. It is a 10 day training that takes you through the step by step natural way of discovering your purpose in life.

Then HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD TO KNOW YOUR LIFE PURPOSE AND LIFE PARTNER will in another period of ten days take you through the spiritual steps of discovering your destiny and choosing the right life partner.

Your greatest need in your marriage is Partnership.

It is the greatest need of any man, any woman, in any marriage. It is the very reason why we get married in the first place.

Every other thing is secondary.

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Visit www.kingspeopleconnection.com

We Are A. T.  & Queen ADENEKAN

Founders, The King’s People Connection & Happy Marriage Institute

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